Dr. Makrauer is a Fellow of the ITI (The International Team For Implantology). The Mission of the ITI is to serve the dental profession by providing a growing global network for life-long learning in implant dentistry through comprehensive quality education and innovative research to the benefit of the patient.
Dr. Makrauer is committed to educating his colleagues on the subject of dental implants. The treatment planning process is extremely important . Forethought is imperative when creating beautiful and functional restorations that are supported by dental implants.
Dr. Makrauer is also a member of the Straumann faculty and is currently teaching dental implant residency programs throughout the United States. These programs are geared toward educating restorative dentists on comprehensive treatment planning and the proper restorative techniques involved in implant dentistry. These particular residency programs are comprised of twenty doctors in a group that meet five times over the course of a single year. These sessions are available for both seasoned dentists as well as recent graduates to increase their knowledge of dental implant restorations.
For over ten years, Dr. Makrauer has utilized his knowledge and understanding to further revolutionize the ever evolving world of implant restorative dentistry. The satisfaction that he receives while teaching other dentists propels him forward every day. His patients challenges become his greatest achievements.
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(215) 947-7700
Masons Mill Business Park II
1800 Byberry Rd #805
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006