Getting your child to brush can be a headache. To them, it can seem like just another chore. One way to fight this is to make brushing fun. We have found a few ways to help make brushing enjoyable.

1. Let Your Child Pick Out Their Toothpaste

By giving your child a choice in toothpaste, they are more likely to enjoy brushing. There are tons of flavors out there and not every kid likes them all. Some kids like minty. Others prefer fruity or bubblegum. If your child likes more than one flavor, let them have a variety.

Keep in mind that different flavors come in different colors and toothpaste tubes feature different characters. If they have a favorite color, let them choose a toothpaste in that color. If your child is a fan of Spiderman, My Little Pony, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, or another character – then buy a toothpaste with it on the tube. Crayola even has a three pack of crayon toothpastes for those who have a little artist on their hands.

2. Use Music

Music is a simple addition to toothbrush time. You can keep it basic by pretending the circular motion of the toothbrush is a bus wheel and sing “Wheels on the Bus” or buying a musical toothbrush.

For fans of Sesame Street, YouTube has two music videos to make brushing fun. “Healthy Teeth, Healthy Me: Brushy Brush” lets your child brush their teeth with Elmo, Bruno Mars, and other friends. The other video mom and dad can enjoy too. It’s a throwback to “Kids Just Love to Brush” by The Bicuspids, which features as a Muppet tribute to Cyndi Lauper’s “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.”

3. Make It Family Time

Gather the whole family into the bathroom and brush together. By making brushing a family activity, it will become a fun experience and quality time for your child.

4. Create a Story

Brushing your teeth can be a mundane activity. Creating a story will turn brushing time into something more exciting. That toothbrush becomes a superhero fighting plaque and preventing cavities. After all, only he can stop tartar buildup and painful cavities.

5. Reward Your Child

Reward your child with something they love. If your child looks forward to bedtime stories, tell them that they must brush their teeth to pick out a story. If your child has an eye on a toy, create a sticker chart and set a goal. Once your child reaches that number of stickers, take them out to the store to buy that toy.

If you are looking for a family friendly dentist that can help you children become less apprehensive of brushing their teeth and visiting the dentist, contact Huntingdon Valley Dental Arts. Dr. Zola Makrauer  and Dr. Julie Miller and our friendly team  provide a comfortable environment for your children while they receive excellent dental treatment and personal care.