How to Choose the Best Toothbrush

Toothbrushes are an essential part of your dental hygiene routine. You should be brushing your teeth at least twice a day. But without the proper toothbrush, your brushing may not be having the effect it should. How do you choose the best toothbrush for yourself? Read...

5 Bad Habits That Can Ruin Your Smile

Your smile is an important part of who you are, and your teeth are supposed to be with you your entire life. But there are some common things people do regularly that could be harming their oral health. Here are five bad habits that can ruin your smile. #1 Avoiding...

Does Chewing Gum Really Help Your Teeth?

There are so many reasons people chew gum. Maybe it is to help quit smoking, freshen their breath before an appointment, or keep from snacking. Whatever the reasons are, gum chewing has been a favorite hobby of Americans for hundreds of years. But what does chewing...