Everyone wants to have a bright white smile. It seems a new tooth whitening product or procedure is introduced every year. Currently, the hottest trend in at home tooth whitening is charcoal. But is it effective and is it safe? You should always consult your dentist before using any whitening product, especially if you have any known oral health issues. Let’s take a closer look at charcoal, and it’s use in tooth whitening.

Natural is Not Always Effective

People often seek out products and methods that are deemed “natural” by the companies selling them. It’s important to research any product you intend to purchase, especially if you’re going to be using it on your teeth. The American Dental Association has found no evidence that charcoal whitens your teeth. In fact, abrasive materials applied to your teeth can make them appear more yellow rather than white. The surface of the teeth is covered with enamel, which is what you’re trying to whiten, but if the enamel is broken down by abrasive particles, the yellow layer underneath, called dentin, is exposed. Tooth whitening products should also strengthen tooth enamel for the best results.

Charcoal Does Have Benefits, But Not for Your Teeth

Charcoal does have very useful properties that can help with other things. Since it draws out toxins when applied to the skin, it makes a great ingredient for face washes and masks. It also has been used in stomach treatments for people with problems like Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Always ask your doctor before using any natural treatments for medical issues. But for teeth whitening, it’s best to ask your dentist for advice.

If you’re interested in effective teeth whitening products or procedures, make an appointment at Huntingdon Valley Dental Arts today. Dr. Zola Makrauer and Dr. Julie Miller will be able to recommend the right products or dental procedures for you.