The world of dental whiteners can be confusing. There’s a large selection and wide price range. Because so many whitening options are expensive, patients may decide to try natural teeth whitening options that are cheaper than sitting in the dentist’s chair for a KöR Whitening treatment. However, these “whitening options” can cause damage to your teeth in the long run.

The fact that patients hope their cupboard and refrigerator hold the key to whiter teeth isn’t surprising. We all want whiter teeth, but many of the do-it-yourselfers claim that certain fruits will whiten teeth. However, these fruits are also the one’s dentists warn their patients about because of their acidity. Common whitening suggestions are lemons and oranges. Some claim that rubbing the peels on their teeth whitens them. While a user of this method may think his/her teeth are getting whiter, the reality is that the acid is eating away at enamel. After a while, the teeth won’t become whiter and the dentin underneath will show through, making the teeth appear yellow. Other homemade teeth whitening recipes combine mashed strawberries and baking soda, which is abrasive and can also damage a tooth’s enamel.

Another trend people who want to whiten their teeth at home have been trying is activated charcoal. While activated charcoal is good for helping with certain types of poisonings, in those cases, it should only be administered at a hospital. As for your teeth, the Journal of the American Dental Association published a study that there’s no evidence that activated charcoal makes them whiter. However, charcoal is an abrasive, so using it can wear away your enamel, which you don’t want to do.

If you are looking to whiten your teeth, don’t experiment with harmful methods. Instead, make an appointment with Dr. Makrauer or Dr. Miller for a consultation, so that one of them can determine which KöR Whitening product is right for you.